The VisionOur VISION is to see the Christian community in Butte County awaken and rise up together across social, ethnic, economic and denominational lines to meet spiritual, emotional and practical needs of inmates, families and staff in the Butte County Jail. We want to see inmates get the help they need to transition from sinful lifestyles and incarceration into socially and spiritually productive life patterns that continue to grow upon release back into their families and community.
This is a sample of what our ministry does.

What Does ARM Do?
- It receives and attempts to fulfill or forward ALL inmate requests for a minister visit and/or a Bible or related materials within one week of receiving the request.
- It communicates with jail staff and administration regarding scheduling, book storage, and visiting procedures and disseminates that information to volunteers and local clergy.
- It orders and stores Bibles and related materials for ALL interested inmates.
- It solicits, receives, screens, stores, and delivers used Christian books to inmates.
- It hand delivers Bibles and related materials to ALL interested inmates once a week.
- It recruits, trains, and assists volunteer ministers.
- It sets up volunteer ministers with disposable phone numbers AND prepaid collect phone accounts so inmates don’t have to have money to call us.
- It assists family members in communicating with their incarcerated loved ones.
- It helps inmates connect with transitional resources like sober living environments (SLEs), government resources, and local churches.
- It helps inmates become aware of Biblical educational resources found on their tablets as well as various correspondence courses not on their tablets.
- It helps guide inmates who are exploring different religions.
- It requests, receives, and processes donations from churches, individuals, and non-profit supporting agencies all over Butte County. In order to receive donations legally it requires the oversight of a board of directors (experienced volunteers) and many hours management and meetings. Pvbs 11:14 "Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety."
- It communicates to the community what is happening in the jail and how to fulfill or support the Biblical mandate and privilege of visiting those in “prison.” Matthew 25:40
- It provides prayer and Biblical counsel to the inmates at the Butte County Jail.

- Who We Are
- We are a coalition of individuals, churches, and organizations who are committed to:
♥ communicating and demonstrating the transforming grace and truth of Jesus Christ to all those who have experienced the crisis of incarceration and their families, as Scripture instructs us in Matthew 25:39-40 and James 1:27.
♥ calling, equipping and facilitating those who provide help, support, or rehabilitation services, to prisoners and their families (Ephesians 4:11-12).
As members of the Church, the people of God, is to be Ambassadors of His Reconciliation to inmates and their families in Butte County. As representatives of His kingdom, we are to exemplify His character, proclaim His message, and live out His will on earth.
Our name comes from the Bible. It reflects our commission, given by Christ Himself to His disciples (Matthew 28:18; Acts 1:8), and passed on to the whole Church by Paul. - 2 Corinthians 5:17-20
“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and gave us the ministry of reconciliation: that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God!”
If you would like to be a part of our team reaching people for Christ in our own backyard, please let us know how in the box below. I would like to... 1. Receive the ARM newsletter and pray for the inmates and ministers of the Butte County Jail. 2. Write to and pray for an inmate using our PO box. 3. Minister to inmates behind the glass or on the phone using a disposable Google Voice number. 4. Give financially to ARM so it can continue to meet the needs of the inmates. 5. Have a minister speak with a family member in jail and/or get help speaking, emailing, or video conferencing to a family member in jail. |
The Butte County Jail is located at 7 Gillick Lane Oroville CA 95965
Here is the Butte County Jail website |
Contact us at:
53zero-636-zero734 Minister Ron PO Box 5651 Oroville, CA 95966 The world sees Jesus best when we love others most. Don't be scammed. Call the Butte County Jail and ask about ARM/Minister Ron or any other "jail ministry." 530-538-3886 Explore our board of directors here. |